
Consultants, Contractors, Developers and Designers for Hire

(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:)

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(:Summary:consultants, contractors, developers and designers for hire:)

So, you want to use PmWiki for your site, but you want someone else to install and configure it for you, maybe help with design and content, maybe just be there if you need help, and you are willing to pay money.

Some others who do this are at PmWikiUsers.

Fine Print

  • Anybody can add themselves to this page. Buyer beware.
    • Not all good consultants contribute visibly to the PmWiki community, but you can get a feel for those who do by their contributions to the user MailingLists and by searching for their name on this site.
  • The PmWiki software is Open Source. It is free. The consultants charge for their time and expertise.
    • Pm has invested a lot of time in creating the program, maintaining and upgrading it, hosting the PmWiki site and Newsgroup, helping other programmers and developers, and making sure the program is the wonderful product it is. The PmWiki community also contributes. It is only fair that people who use it to make their own jobs easier contribute, either financially or with time. A comparable commercial program would cost a fair amount. You should discuss this with any potential consultant.
  • Other
    • Some contractors have reduced rates for charities.
    • It is not necessary to be in the same city, but a similar time zone is often convenient.
    • You can also advertise your needs on the user MailingLists.
    • Also see PmWikiUsers.
    • Domain registration and site hosting may or may not be included. Again, something to discuss.
    • WebHosts has host services on which you can install PmWiki.

List of Consultants

Client size, Price range Location Other
Profile name?
$xx - $xx
x-page sites for xxxx
City or timezone Specializing in xxxx See some of our work at http://www.example.com, http://www.other.example.com
Software Systems: Open For Business
£100 setup and hosting - £300 skin design Aberdeen, UK Specializing in Simple Web Publishing systems, with custom designed skins, initial set-up, user access control, addition of initial site content, testing and training. See our Simple Web Publishing page for more details.
Mike Shanley
$150 setup, configuration, and training
$20/hour thereafter
New York, New York Specializing in closed-wiki backends/search engine optimization of PmWiki. Excellent for businesses or freelancers who want the ease of updating a wiki, but don't want the rest of the world to have editing rights. See my personal site for an excellent example of this: mikeshanley.upisup.com
Dekko Studios LLC $1500 - setup, customization, design, and site integration
$50/hour - assistance, maintenance
Detroit, MI We are a team of web developers specializing in social Web 2.0 applications, custom blogs, and CMS solutions. We offer custom-designed PmWiki installations - with user authentication, MySQL database storage, and many other add-ons. View our portfolio.
Explore Luxury $150 installation and training
help $20/hour
Vancouver, BC, Canada PMWiki, connection with database MySql, image gallery, install different extensions, for more examples see my site. Contact me
Eclectic Tech
Criss Ittermann/Crisses?
Under $1000USD for a basic website including professional custom design, training Middletown, New York Portfolio. Specializing in business solutions using PmWiki - business directories (chamber, associations), events calendars (conference, organizations), professional blogs, and small- to mid-sized custom solutions. Installed on your hosting service or free for 1 year on my hosting co-op.
Sandra Schoen
$150 setup, configuration, training
$30/hour thereafter
$150 for two years hosting and DNR.
Guelph, Ontario Specializing in sites for individuals and small businesses. This price is a special offer to fans of PmWiki. Hosting and DNR between yourself and the provider.
Brian Wendt
email brian.m.wendt@gmail.com
Option 1: Send me a brief description of what you want and I'll send you a quote.
Option 2: Only an installation on a server and your choice of skin, $50. The rest will be up to you.
Phoenix, Arizona Fan sites, small business sites, hobby sites, you name it. I get you set up on your budget.
$95 - $995
Price depends on License
Piestany, Slovak Republic - EU Doc2Pdf Online FlexiDoc Server has built-in PmWiki, Apache Web Server, OpenOffice.org, PHP and Java in a single package.
Product can be used as PDF converter or for building a company intranet project.

Envoyez un mail
Association, petite entreprise, Comité d'entreprise, artisan, particuliers, cinéma, PME-PMI, ...

Hébergement et nom de domaine inclus (com, fr) :
155,00 € TTC particuliers [350 Mo]
215,00 € HT Entreprise, asso Pro, [500 Mo]
159,00 € TTC Association, [500 Mo]
Tarif horaire de base
44€ HT, 52,62 TTC

Plus de détail en ligne sur http://www.kisqo.fr/Boutique/

France, Antony
  • Pack prêt-à-publier, couplage possible avec OScommerce
  • Adaptation de maquette pour pmWiki
  • CSS, markup, personnalisation,
  • Optimisation de l'emploi de votre site
  • ...

(:City: Paris:)

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