

(:Summary: PmWiki group header. Includes styles and trail.:)

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(:Summary: Determining and displaying the current version of PmWiki (pmwiki-2.1.27):)

Obtaining the PmWiki version

Use the {$Version} page variable to display the current version of PmWiki.

See the SiteAdmin.Status? page for the current version and version number.

For example

This wiki installation is running PmWiki {$Version}, version number
-<The default group is {$DefaultGroup}.
-<The default name is {$DefaultName}.
-<The site group is {$SiteGroup}

This wiki installation is running PmWiki pmwiki-2.1.27, version number 2001027.

The default group is Simb.
The default name is Simb.
The site group is Site

See also basic variables.

The script version.php contains the declaration of the version number.

Obtaining recipe versions

The Site Analyzer can be used to display the current version of Cookbook recipes, see Analyze Results for instructions.

See also Cookbook:RecipeCheck


How can I view a list of currently enabled recipes and scripts and their versions without connecting to PmWiki.org?


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Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 18.07.2007, 05:30

Copyright© SIMB 2009.