
Pm Wiki Ta

(:Language:Tamil:) (:Summary:{$:Language}:) PmWiki is a WikiWikiWeb system developed by Patrick Michaud in the PHP scripting language. PmWiki has been primarily designed as a tool to support easy, collaborative authoring and maintenance of web sites.

This site is running pmwiki-2.1.27. The software is freely available under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and may be downloaded from http://pmichaud.com/pub/pmwiki. Documentation is available via the documentation index.

PmWiki is a registered trademark of Patrick R. Michaud (http://pmichaud.com).

We had a start on pages in Tamil at one point, but somehow the pages were corrupted or never quite worked out. I'd be very pleased if someone could re-do the translations. Simply edit the translation page and start adding the appropriate translations.

Also, this page should probably be translated into Tamil.


Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 25.05.2007, 03:23

Copyright© SIMB 2009.